High above Cottonwood lies the old miner’s town of Jerome, now a funky tourist haven with retro shacks and buildings dressed with natural patina. Colorful characters walk the street, bohemian artists showcase their wares and gobs of touri graze for glimpses of yesterday. Aw shucks, ma’am, we must be tourist ourselves as we darn well enjoyed the walk through the town. For that matter, we might just be latent cowboys because we ate at Bob’s BBQ and had the best tasting, sugar drenched, bacon laced baked beans I’ve ever had. I chased it with a BBQ Shredded Chicken sandwich dripping with Bob’s secret recipe. Don’t tell anybody I’m a practicing vegan, albeit, badly. We then froze our butts as we walked off the meal, poking our heads into the shops that laced the sidewalks. I loved the Rockwell architecture.