Canadian Rockies Backroads Tour
Aloha Kakou (hello to all),
Welcome to our photo journal of our wonderful six day adventure in the Canadian Rockies with 21 new friends and our amazing Backroads guides. After years of RV exploring the US and eastern Canada we were now going to let someone else do the planning, scheduling and leading us on a senses awakening, physically challenging biking, hiking and river rafting week.
Join us as we roll and hike through the majestic mountains of Alberta and British Columbia and experience the stunning visuals. You’ll have to make the journey yourself to feel the multi weather days, the fragrances of Mother Nature, and euphoria of the views that the camera just can’t capture.
For those of you who were on this trip with us, enjoy the revisit. For others, maybe my attempts to digitally capture our experience will motivate you to explore it yourself.
Lorem Ipsum
June 2018