RogersSpring 2015
Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, TX: Two months ago I found Oasis RV Park on a Google Earth search less than a half a mile away from the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo. I had a plan, you could say I was on a mission. True we were exhausted from just crossing Tornado Alley but I told the Mrs that we better visit the ranch tonight becuase it was a gorgeous evening and we just don't know what tomorrow will bring in these parts. She laughed and said I was crazy. I didn't argue with her.
We brought the Nikon and the photos came out pretty good as we found some great traces of a earlier civilization. I just happen to have a can of spray paint from Nashville in my camera case. Here's what we found and here's what we contributed. A fun way to unwind from a long, stressful drive across 4 states.
Grandma made sure that Bastille and Aiden were represented, I made a rare find.