RogersFall 2015
Silhouette Sunset at Beverly Beach State Park, Newport, OR: There was no way I was going to get a shot of the sunset without people in it so I decided if you can beat 'em, join 'em. Like I said, the place was packed. I spent a half hour searching for different spots to shoot from to get as many perspectives as I could. I had my shots selected but more and more folks came down to watch natures fireworks, strolling nonchalantly into my view finder. I'd move and someone else would move into the frame. It's funny how it works out. I think I got some awesome silhouetted shots.
It's also funny how folks sit on the water's edge so they can just see the ocean and the sun sinking in the horizon. Not me. I guess when you've seen a lot of sunsets and sunrises, you tend to look for things that spice up or augment the visual.