RogersFall 2015
RV Retrieval, San Fransisco, CA: We just love that West Coast Flight, only 4.5 hrs. Camped at a hotel by SFO for the first night and then first thing in the morning after breakfast, we caught an Uber (or Goober as Barbara mistakenly calls it) taxi ride to Redwood City. Almost half the cost of the traditional taxi we used when we dropped it off in May, and this time, we rode in a Lexus. I highly recommend it.
For you RV'ers out there, included are some technical highlights. The van's AGM battery was still charged after sitting for three months. I carry a jump starter with me on the plane now days and just to be cautious, I hooked it up and proceeded to try and start the beast. First crack, solid, like I left it yesterday. Upon my review at camp that night, the battery was at 95% charged capacity and the jump charger was barely used. AMAZING. When we leave it in Seattle after this excursion, we'll be leaving it for 10 months. Not sure what to expect but I'm certainly encouraged. I also brought a new 10 watt solar trickle charger with me and will try it this time.
That was the good news. The RV had been parked near a fence, on the shores of the Bay and was just trashed with spiders, cob webs, plant debris and baked in with salt water. Our poor baby started so great but was in such a need of a bath. After mistakenly taking Hwys 101, 380, 280 to the Golden Gate Bridge and dealing with mid-day traffic, we drove the 50 miles to Petaluma in an hour and half. First things first, searched for a self service car wash. Sorry Charlie, no functioning self service car wash in Petaluma.
We decided to head to the KOA campground where we would give it a manual bucket wash. Never mind that you're not allowed to wash cars in a campground, the Lil Coconut needed a refresh and damn if I wasn't going to get that baked in grime off of her. I did and the polish job we gave her last year provided a protective coating.
Next on the list, the RV service guy was coming to take a look at our electric sofa bed. Remember, I'm sure you all do, it when kaput on us at Big Sur on the Spring trip. I tired to fix it to no avail but had time to take a last minute photo of the underside of the bed before we parked it in the storage lot. On the plane ride home I checked out the photo on my iphone and noticed something fishy with the cable connectors that attaches the motor to the electrical source. The photo wasn't focused very well. Upon reaching home I emailed the photo to Roadtrek service department and their reply was they really couldn't tell from the photo and thought it was okay. I would have to check it out upon my return. Well, I forgot about it and hired a guy to come service the unit on our first day in Petaluma. Well there went $40 down the preverbal toilet. Yep, the connectors had become slightly unplugged. It now works like a charm. Oh well, we had a nice hour chat with Andrew the RV guy, a quirky fellow and we had some good laughs. I'm such a yo yo.
At this juncture, the Lil Coconut it ready to Rock and Roll.